Five of the Best Apps to Scan and Manage ReceiptsWhether you own your own business or you’re just trying to track expenses as part of your job, these apps can help you scan, track, and...
Preparing for Tax Season, What Small Businesses Need To KnowSmall business owners have a lot of tax responsibilities, and when added to the regular business responsibilities, there’s a lot to keep...
Intern Pay GuidelinesAs many companies prepare to welcome summer interns, it is important to ensure you are meeting all laws associated with hiring them. The...
No Need to SignAt the checkout line, many of us sign away without thinking twice about the purpose or effectiveness of this identifier. If merchants...
HR Avatar- A New Way to HireThe process of looking for a new hire can be daunting and costly; posting an ad, reviewing all of the resumes, setting up interview...
Zoom – A Better Way for Companies to CommunicateAfter hearing reviews about Zoom conferencing from colleagues and clients, I had to find out what it was all about. They were right, it...
Steps to Take to Prevent a Data BreachBy now I am sure you have all heard about the 143 million American consumers whose sensitive personal information was exposed in a data...
Passwords: Too Many to Remember?Password managers are an up and coming tool in the cyber security market. Using one of these tools such as LastPass is great because you...
Tech TipsTip: Ensure and verify that your computers and servers are backed up daily at a minimum, preferably to an offsite backup provider or...
Conference Call ServicesLike everything else, the price of conference calling has gotten very competitive and the rates continue to drop. It is worth the time to...